The last detour - Walkthrough Guide : FF7 - Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
« Battle of Midgar ¦ The last detour ¦ The last battle with Sephiroth »
The battle with Ultimate Weapon
Ultimate Weapon |
01 | You can have a battle in every place in the world map after Cloud returns from Lifestream. |
02 | You have the second battle in Junon Crater. |
03 | The place that you have a battle after the third battle are Midgar, Fort Condorn, Gongaga, Junon Crater, Mt. Corel, and Mideel.
The last battle is in Cosmo Area. |
04 | If you win in the battle, you can get Ultimate Weapon. |
05 | Ultimate Weapon uses Shadow Flare as the final attack when it is defeated. |
Ancient Forest
Ancient Forest |
01 | Ancient Forest is on the cliff of the southeast side of Cosmo Canyon. |
02 | You can get into there with Mountain Chocobo or if you defeat Ultimate Weapon, you get able to enter there on foot. |
03 | You need to capture some insects and frogs to solve the trick in order to go forward. |
04 | You can get Slash-All and Typhon on your way. |
- | Ancient Forest Map  |
Ancient Forest - Treasure |
Supershot ST x1 / Spring Gun Clip x1 / Slash-All x1 / Minerva Band x1 / Typhon x1 / Apocalypse x1 / Elixir x1 |
The place that you can go with Special Chocobo
# |
01 | You can go to some places that you cannot go with Airship by making special Chocobo. |
02 | You can go to 4 Materia caves only with special Chocobo. You should go there because there are some rear Materia. |
03 | Wutai Materia Cave which you enter with Mountain Chocobo, you can get Mime |
04 | Corel Materia Cave which you enter with Mountain Chocobo, you can get HP<->MP |
05 | Mideel Materia Cave which you enter with River Chocobo, you can get Quadra Magic |
06 | Round Island Materia Cave which you enter with Ocean Chocobo, you can get Knights of the Round |
- | Wutai Materia Cave Map  |
- | Corel Materia Cave Map  |
- | Mideel Materia Cave Map  |
- | Round Island Materia Cave Map  |
Lv4 Limit Break for Cloud
Gold Saucer |
01 | If you take on a challenge of Battle Square in Gold Square, you can exchange BP for Omnislash. |
- | Gold Saucer Map  |
Gold Saucer / Battle Square - Treasure |
Omnislash |
Tifa’s ultimate weapon
Bone Village |
01 | If you can get Key to Sector 5 in digging minigame of Bone Village, you can get into Sector 5 of Midgar. |
- | Bone Village Map  |
Bone Village - Treasure |
Key to Sector 5 |
Wall Market |
01 | When you arrive there, you need to operate the computer in the Item store. You can get Premium Heart. |
02 | You can buy Sneak Glove from an old man in the Weapon Store. |
- | Sector 5 Slums Map  |
- | Sector 6 Map  |
- | Wall Market Map  |
Wall Market - Treasure |
Premium Heart x1 |
« Battle of Midgar ¦ The last detour ¦ The last battle with Sephiroth »